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Avy: Break A Sweat (and sex with Hana)

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1080p/60fps D/L: actually used Star Gate Stage\'s Start24 for once. Normally, I avoid Start24 like the plague- the fact that it\'s a playground kinda creeps me out. It makes me think too much of children, and I don\'t wanna think about children when I\'m doing porn stuff.However, in this case, everything came together perfectly (for the dance part, anyways)- both this stage and this motion seemed fitting for an athletic girl like Avy. I kinda forced myself to put aside my problems with Start24 because I couldn\'t pass this up- sure, it was a playground, but it was also a park, which, like... when a girl dresses the way Avy does, a park is one of the places you\'d expect her to hang out. I mean, she\'s all dressed up to go jogging, yeah? And parks tend to be filled with joggers, especially early in the morning.The motion was fitting because... well, it\'s called "Break A Sweat," and Vortex\'s original video was even set in a gym. Sure, it\'s called "Break A Sweat" for sex reasons, but you can also break a sweat for workout reasons.Also, I\'m simultaneously proud and disappointed by Avy\'s "pants down" morph, because... I\'m better at making those than Mister Orzo. V4 Flower\'s "pants down" morph is way more functional than Avy\'s. Parts of Avy\'s pants are rigged to the wrong leg, and there is a LOT of clipping, even when she\'s in a T-pose. V4 Flower doesn\'t have those problems. And, hell, that model is a year old, now, while Avy is brand new. It\'s disappointing because Avy is really hot, but I\'m proud because holy shit I\'m better at something than one of my Senpais. That\'s a pretty big ego boost. Especially since it\'s kinda one of my trademarks- sure, V4 Flower is the only one with a pants down morph, but nearly all of my models have panties down morphs, and back when I was still starting out, the panties down morphs were basically the best parts of my models- even experienced modelers like my mentor, bandages, were impressed by how functional they were. Granted, Mister Orzo isn\'t so much my Senpai because he\'s good at modelling (that\'s more why J&J is my Senpai), but because he\'s good at animating sex, so it\'s less impressive. But still!