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Rin Kokonoe VIP Party at Don Duck Club

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Also known as Rin\'s Pool Party as well as ************** Ep0*, you\'ll know when you see it.Sorry for the long wait, I didn\'t want to delay it any further (aside from the fact I was already running very low on space anyway) so a couple of stuff wasn\'t rendered. Those will probably be in another video later on.This was also a very delayed Birthday thingy for our favorite smol girl, very delayed because I suck. ( . w .)7The last week and half prior to this upload I\'ve been doing nothing but render and re-render scenes while I was unable to use the browser...because the front and rearview poolside scenes were such a monster hog to my RAM. I was stuck to queuing up videos in Discord chat which brings to mind something...For everyone in chat who found me a little too quiet lately, this is why and I\'m quite sorry m( _ _ )m I should have tried harder and reached out more.I won\'t lie, working on the poolside stuff was quite intimidating, especially when GPU temperatures were reaching 85C. There was one time I dozed off with it left on like that. I had to stop production for almost a day and a half and let my machine take it easy and make sure it was still in good condition. As you can see, it\'s holding up pretty well.The reason everything is pretty heavy is personally, Rin\'s model feels a little dated to me and her limitations are showing, so I thought the best way to cover it up was to do what I do best and crank it up to eleven and add more mobs and have them also do fun stuff.Enough of my stupid rambling. Hope you enjoy and stay Wiggly! (\' w\')Unnecessary Crap nobody needs to know:Please visit my Profile for more wiggly videos ~(\' w \')/...or if you\'re interested and able to help me lessen my time foraging for nuts and berries out in the woods.Why have I been rather slow lately? Just some personal crap and spring season was particularly bad for my body because...fuck spring.