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Detail image:感受无死角的建模21,讲真的!用这个人物玩性爱动画容易湮灭!To be honest! Playing sex animations with this character can easily lead to annihilation!我要告知诸位烙铁们这就是她的真实身材!全景体验观测她的体型和肌肉!让诸位美学家们欣赏巅峰艺术杰作!(I want to inform everyone present that this is her real body shape! Panoramic experience observing her body shape and muscles! Let all aestheticians appreciate the pinnacle of art!)这种身材,肌肉,以及皮肤,已经不需要服装来修饰和遮瑕。而是反过来这个身体可以遮瑕一切设计不太好看的服装!(This figure, muscle, and skin, no longer need clothing to modify and concealer. Instead, this body can concealer all the clothes that are not very beautiful!)只有当画面静止状态下,诸位才能更细腻的观测人物体型的优势!所以我很建议大家多看看我上传的图片!并且图片比视频清晰度高一点,当然最高清晰度还是要自己直接看屏幕!即使静态下她的身材就已经极具视觉冲击力了!(Only when the screen is still can you observe the advantages of the character\'s body shape more delicately! So I highly recommend everyone to take a closer look at the pictures I have uploaded! And the image clarity is slightly higher than the video, of course, the highest clarity still requires looking directly at the screen by oneself! Even in a static state, her figure is already visually striking!)因为时间有限,等下一个视频再上传动态动画!(Due to time constraints, we will upload the dynamic animation in the next video!)不,这不是画作,更不是雕刻,这是360°无死角的动态立体模型!适用于一切动画,游戏,手工艺,娃娃等虚拟和实体化。(No, this is not a painting, let alone a sculpture. This is a 360 ° dynamic 3D model without dead corners! Suitable for all animations, games, handicrafts, dolls, and other virtual and physical forms.)纯肌肉缺少美感和柔感,而无肌肉又缺少力量和健康感。看看我是如何完美的将肌肉与美学融合!(Pure muscles lack beauty and softness, while lack of muscles results in a lack of strength and health. See how I perfectly blend muscle and aesthetics!)展示我在建模艺术上的功力,不管未来升级什么框架,皆可完美的绘画,雕刻,和建模出同等级身材!展示我在艺术领域的审美力!美学领域的造诣,以及天赋和经验!(What I am showcasing is my skill in modeling art. No matter what framework I upgrade in the future, I can perfectly draw, carve, and model the same level of body shape! Show my aesthetic ability in the field of art! Achievements, talents, and experience in the field of aesthetics!)我自己都很佩服我自己,出手即巅峰的美学艺术实力!从第一张图片到现在一直是这个身材和脸沿用至今,没有任何修改。曾有数十次试图优化她的身体,但最终都以失败告终。哪怕是几微米的微调也会是负收益!(I admire myself very much for my exceptional aesthetic and artistic skills that reach their peak with every move! From the first picture until now, this figure and face have been used without any modifications. There have been dozens of attempts to optimize her body, but all have ultimately ended in failure. Even a few micrometers of fine-tuning can result in negative returns!)这是由个人精雕制作的模型,并非团队和工作室。一切脸部,体型,肌肉,皮肤的构思设计皆为本人原创!并且市面没有售卖和流通,甚至连相似的我都没见过!由本人独创的一种美学风格!(This is a model meticulously crafted by an individual, not a team or studio. All the concepts and designs of the face, body shape, muscles, and skin are original creations of myself! And there is no sale or circulation in the market, I haven\'t even seen anything similar! A unique aesthetic style created by myself!)每一期全部图片和视频均为同一建模,展示她不同的服装发型姿势表情。(All the pictures and videos in each issue are the same model, showcasing her different clothing, hairstyles, poses, and expressions.)快手:短视频:站主页:站主页: